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Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)


This permit allows an individual to work for a specific employer in Canada, this work permit either requires an LMIA or are LMIA-exempt. In both cases, a job offer is required and is valid for the duration of this offer.

Online Work
Office Employee

Work Visa

  • The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) analyzes a variety of factors when reviewing a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

  • The employer should not be non-compliant with the labour laws.

  • The employer should provide consistent salary to temporary foreign workers based on the location and type of position.

  • The ability of a foreign worker to add expertise or unique skill sets to the position they will fill.

  • Efforts on the part of the company to recruit qualified Canadian citizens or permanent residents to fill the positions before hiring temporary foreign workers (TFW).

  • ESDC will send a copy of the decision to the employer once they have assessed the LMIA application.


Working in Canada brings many potential benefits for you and your family
Not all jobs require approved LMIA FROM ESDC. Canadian Government issues open work permits to certain individuals and positions.

The guidelines of each type of permit can be complicated to understand, we at GlobeWay immigrations Inc. simplify the process for you by providing you the facts in a simple language.

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